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Artícles en Revistes JCR-ISI
- Boada-Cuerva, M.; Trullen, J.; Valverde, M. (2019). Top management: the missing stakeholder in the HRM literature. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, Vol. 30, No. 1.
- Serrano-Fernández, M. J.; Boada-Grau, J.; Boada-Cuerva, M.; Assens-Serra, J.; Macip-Simó, S.; Vigil-Colet, A. (2019). Health and Safety at Work in the Transport Industry (TRANS-12). Anales de Psicología. Vol. 35, No. 11, pp. 116-123.
- Boada-Cuerva, M.; Boada-Grau, J.; Prizmic-Kuzmica, A. J.; De Diego, N. G.; Vigil-Colet, A. (2018). RTC-11: Adaptation of the Resistance to Change Scale in two countries (Spain and Argentina). Anales de Psicología.Vol. 34, No. 2. pp. 359-366.
- Assens-Serra, J.; Boada-Grau, J.; Gil-Ripoll, C.; Boada-Cuerva, M.; Crespo-Sánchez, M. L. (2017, in press). COACH-10: Development and validation of a brief scale for evaluating the effectiveness of coaching processes. Universitas Psychologica.
- Boada-Grau, J.; Sánchez-García, J.C,: Viardot, E.; Boada-Cuerva, M.; Vigil-Colet, A. (2016). Entrepreneurial Orientation Scale: Adaptation to Spanish. The Spanish Journal of Psychology, No.19.
- Boada-Grau, J.; Sánchez-García, J.C,: Viardot, E.; Boada-Cuerva, M.; Vigil-Colet, A. (2016). Adaptation of an entrepreneurial motivation scale into Spanish. Anales de Psicología, Vol. 32, No. 2, pp. 571-577.